Police Minister Bheki Cele has warned any person who contravenes the regulations of the nationwide lock-down from midnight on Thursday will be guilty of a criminal offence and will be liable to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both.

During a briefing on Wednesday, members of the  Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster clarified what residents would be allowed to do and what has been prohibited during the lock-down which aims to curb the spread of the corona-virus.

We have compiled a list of what you can and cannot do.


· You will be allowed to collect social grants.

· You will be allowed to buy food.

· You will be allowed to seek medical attention.

· You will be able to visit the pharmacy for medicine.

· A gathering of 50 people will be allowed at a funeral.

· You will be allowed to access public transportation for essential services during specific times.


· You will not be allowed to go jogging in public.

· You will not be allowed to walk your dog in public.

· You will not be able to buy alcohol as its sale and movement has been banned.

· All gatherings have been prohibited, including gatherings on public roads, buildings, places and premises.

· Movement between provinces is prohibited.

· Movement between districts is prohibited.

Places you will be prohibited from accessing

· Public Parks

· Flea-markets

· Public swimming pools

· Beaches

· Nightclubs

· Casinos

· Lodges

· Guesthouses

· Hotels

· Private and public game reserves

· Holiday resorts

· Shopping malls (excluding grocery store and pharmacies at the stores)

· Cinemas

· Taverns

· Bars

· Shebeens

· Any place normally open to the public where religious, cultural, sporting, entertainment, recreational, organisational or similar activities may take place.